Moiira, The Forest Dweller
Moiira the forest dweller likes to go on extended travels across the river, up mountains, and through shadey forests. She meets different creatures from other villages and collects curious objects along the way. When she arrives home again all of the village folk flock to her as she shares her stories and souvenirs. They play the guessing game 'What is that!!!' with her found objects.
Diego, The Village Mystic
In the Village of Dewdrops the villagers gather around to tell stories, share harvests, and discuss upcoming festivities. Whenever someone has a problem they know they can go to Diego, the village mystic, for advise. Diego, a quiet peaceful character, spends most of his days in thought and observation. Sometimes thinking of solutions to questions asked by the villagers. He stocks up on potions given to him by the village herbalist to prescribe as needed.
© Jenny Kuri